Amiga CD32 Gamer 16
CD32 Gamer - 1995 - Issue 16.iso
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Text File
625 lines
Produced by Gary Roberts.
Version 1.0
Written for Amiga Computing. 1991
Tanks! a Short Overview.
Do you remember that great game called
"TANKS !" which appeared on several
machines many years ago.? You
don't.?,where have you been all this
Many an hour was had by kids and adults
alike playing this simple game at college
and at work. Its one of those games, you
either love it or hate it.
I am afraid I don't know who created the
original Tanks,so I can not give them any
credit. ( If somebody knows who it was
then please contact me, I can then give
them credit.! )
Anyway Tanks is a 2 player game only (
Although I have known a few people who
play in on their own! ),each player is
given a tank to control on a
landscape,the idea is to take it in turns
to shoot at your opponent. ( See.? I
said it was simple ). You have control
over the angle of the tanks barrel and
the velocity behind the shot.
The winner is the person who scores a
direct hit on their opponents tank. (
Cooo, now there is a surprise.)
Thats the basic idea behind the original
Tanks game, now here is my version.
Amiga Tanx.
Amiga Tanx follows the same lines as the
original game,but with just a few
a) Randomly generated Landscapes.
b) Two main types of Landscapes.
c) Variable gravity.
d) Variable wind strength and direction.
e) Targets to hit.
f) Objects which affect the flight of the tanks shot.
g) Full Stereo Sound.
h) 50 frames a second screen update.
i) Parallax scrolled play area.
j) Over 100 colours on screen. ( Honest ! )
I could go on ,but I won't.
Starting Tanx
Pretty straight forward this bit.
The Tanx game takes up around 400k of
chip ram,so if you don't have 1 meg chip
ram or own an amiga A3000,you will have
to close all windows and make sure you
have at least 400k of chip ram free.
NOTE: if you only have a 512k
amiga,then tanx will not run from
Workbench. You will have to boot the
disk and run Tanx from the CLI
Tanx can only be run from the CLI,but
due a to a lovely program
called ICONX, you can run it from
To run Amiga Tanx,open up the Tanx
window and double click on the Tanx Icon.
A CLI window will appear and Tanx will
proceed to run.
If any errors occur then a nice message
will appear on screen.
Tanx can be run from the CLI alone.To do
this you must make the "Tanx!" directory
the current directory before running.
CD df0:Tanx! - To change
If Tanx cannot find or load the file
"Tanx-Title.Dat" then it will not run.
It looks for "Tanx-Title.Dat" in the
current directory.
If you wish to transfer the Tanx Game to
Hard disk or some other media,then you
require the following files from the
Tanx! directory.
Tanx ( And the associated icon files if
you wish )
"Tanx" is the main program,while
"Tanx-Title.Dat" is the title image. As
long as both files are in the same
directory, Tanx will run. So you can
transfer the game to Hard disk or some
other media.
Playing The Game
When the Tanx title appears, press the
left mouse button, after a few seconds
the Main Options Screen will appear.
From this screen you can change many game
parameters. The parameters will be
explained later on.
To Play a game simply move the mouse
pointer and click on the PLAY Icon
situated in the top right of the screen.
After a few seconds you will be shown the
Landscape on which the battle is about to
take place. ( The Landscape is about 2
screens wide. )
A control panel,then drops down from the
top of the screen. From here the current
player can control his/her tank and
scroll around the landscape.
The current Players name is displayed and
their tank is brought into view. The
following Icons are displayed in the
Velocity - Represented by bar bells.
(What else? )
Clicking on the arrows underneath will
alter the velocity of the players shot.
If you hold the left mouse button down
then the velocity will rise slowly,hold
down both left and right mouse buttons
and the velocity will rise quickly
Velocity can be in the range of 0 to 199.
Angle - Represented by a 90 degree angle.
Clicking on the arrows underneath will
alter the angle of the tanks gun barrel.
Click with the left button alone and the
value will change slowly.Hold down both
mouse buttons and things will wizz along.
The angles are in degrees. Values are
between -90 and 150 Negative angles will
fire the bullets downwards. + 90 degrees
will fire the bullets straight up.
Fire- Represented by a rocket on a red
If you are happy with the angle,velocity
and tanks position,then click on this to
fire your bullet!
Quit-Represented by a white flag.
Clicking on this during any point in play
will quit the current game and return to
the options screen.
Scroll Land- Represented by a small
landscape and tank.
Click on the arrows will scroll the
Landscape Left and right, and up and
down. this will enable you to pick out
your target ( The other players tank ).
Pressing the left mouse button will
scroll slowly. Hold down both buttons
and it will wizz along.
Move Tank- Represented by a Tank (
Suprising huh.? )
Clicking on the arrows below the icon
will move your tank.
Tanks can only move on their flat plain.
They can not go up or down hills or ride
over craters.
When you fire the bullets, they will fly
given your angle and velocity. The
bullets are accurately calculated using a
projectile forumla,so they will act as if
in real life.
Each player takes it in turn to fire a
shot. the first player to hit their
opponents tank wins.!
After a game has been won. A status
screen is displayed. A tally of the
games won by each player is displayed.
From the Status screen you can play
another game with the current parameters
or you may exit to the Main Options
screen to alter the parameters. - See
Next section.
The current tally of the games won by
each player is only cleared when you
change the players name from the main
options screen. - See next section.
Game Parameters.
As you may have seen from the Main
Options screen there are lots of
parameters that you can change.
A) Wind Strength.
B) Wind Direction.
C) Gravity Strength.
D) Landscape generation.
E) Objects.
F) Sound.
Also on the Main options screen you will
find the following Icons.
ABOUT - The current version of the game
and who wrote it!
QUIT - Quit the game.
PLAYER2 - The two player icons at the top
left of the main options screen enable
you to alter the players names.Simply
click on the icon under the players name.
You may type in 3 letters from the
keyboard or move your mouse left/right
and click to leave a character.
PLAY - Play a game with the selected
I will run through each of the parameters
and explain what they all do! To operate
any of the options,simply move the mouse
pointer over the switches ( little boxes
with black or red lights in them ) and
press the left mouse button.
A) Wind Strength.
Pretty obvious this one. You can
introduce wind affect into the game.
Wind affects the flight of the bullets
and makes the game a little harder to
play. The wind strength and direction is
displayed during the game, at the bottom
of the screen. The flag denotes the
direction,whilst the meter and number (
from 0-9 ) denotes the strength.
The options under Wind Strength are as
1) None - No wind affect at all. The
default option.
2) Light - Light wind.A small breeze
blows and has a small affect on the
bullets flight.
3) Medium - A brisk wind blows across the
landscape. This wind noticeably affects
the bullets flight.
4) Strong - Definitely gale force
conditions now. The wind is very strong
and the bullets are very much affected by
the wind.
5) Random - The wind strength is
randomly chosen during the game.After
each players shot the wind can change
strength with this option.
NOTE: With options 2-4 the wind
strength is chosen at the beginning of a
game and does NOT change throughout the
With option 5. The wind strength is
randomly chosen, and DOES change during a
game.So watch the wind meter before
taking a shot.!!!
B) Wind Direction
This option rightly alters how the wind
direction is generated.
1) Same. - The default option. The wind
direction is chosen randomly at the start
of each game and does not change during
that game.
2) Random - The wind direction is
chosen randomly at the start of each
game,but it can change randomly during a
game so watch out!!!
C) Gravity Strength
No prizes for guessing what this does.
Different gravity strengths require
different tactics.
All gravity is chosen at the start of
each game,and does NOT change during the
1) Light - Light Gravity,makes the
bullets feel very light. When fired they
will tend to float along.
2) Medium - This is the default
option and is equivalent to the earths
3) Strong - The bullets feel very
heavy and drop like an elephant wearing
several lead anvils as ear rings.
4) Random - The Gravity is randomly
chosen from the above.
D) Landscape Generation.
There are two types of landscapes.
Mountains and Foothills. For each type
the landscape is randomly generated,so no
two landscapes will be the same.
During landscape and object creation,a
small message appears on screen informing
you. - See the Known Bugs Section.!!!
1) Mountains- Steep mountains with large
valleys. This makes hitting tanks quite
tricky. Lots of cover.
2) Foot Hills- Shallow valleys with small
hills. Tanks are easily spotted and not
to difficult to get at.
3) Random A Totally random
landscape is generated. Watch out!!
some bizarre shapes can be generated with
this option.
E) Objects.
These are not for the faint hearted.! 4
types of objects can be placed on the
All the objects are placed randomly on
the landscape.
NOTE: See the Known Bugs section !!!
1) Targets. - These can be
destroyed,if you hit a target you will
get a free shot the next round.
2) Fans - These can not
be destroyed. These blow ( What else do
fans do.? ) very hard in the direction
they face. If the bullets fly into range
of one of these expect strange results.!
A fans wind strength is usually stronger
than a strong wind. A fans strength is
randomly chosen.
3) Pushers - These strange objects look
like pulsating red pyramids. ( With an
arrow going up and down) When ever a
bullet flies over them it will be pushed
upwards very hard.
4) Pullers - These look like a
pair of jaws opening and closing. These
have the opposite affect of the Pushers.
When ever bullets fly over them they will
be pulled down very sharply.
F) Sound
If you wish you may switch off all sounds
during the game. All the sounds are
digitised and played in full stereo,so
why should you want to switch the sound
Some other things I should mention,
No two games of Tanx will be the same.
Most of the parameters I use to generate
landscapes and object positions are
randomized as much as possible. ( This
was right pain debugging the code! )
The tanks are randomly positioned on the
landscape, players are randomly assigned
tanks to use.The player that goes first
is also randomly chosen. So don't
complain if your mate always goes first!!
Tanks are limited to moving on their
"flat plain" only,they can not go up
mountains or over craters. But you are
able to "Tunnel" your way into a nearby
mountain. Simple position your tank
about a tanks width from the mountain or
hill,set your angle to -4 or -5 and
velocity to over 100. The explosion of
the bullets hitting the land,will remove
a hefty chunk of land.repeat this a few
times and you will have created a
tunnel.Drive your tank in for cover!!
But your tank must be able to fire out of
Try setting the landscape to
Foothills,wind to strong,gravity to
light. Fun ain't it.? Be careful not to
shoot yourself.!!
It is best to start of with the default
options, no wind,medium gravity and no
objects. As soon as you find this to
easy,introduce wind and different gravity
Finally try switching on the following
and playing for the hardest level.
1) All objects on
2) Random Wind strength
3) Random Wind Direction
4) Random Gravity
5) Random Landscape.
Have fun!!!
Technical Information.
Due to the nature of the system and how
the game operates,this game does not
multitask. Sorry!!!.
When you exit the game it will return the
system exactly as it found it. To
achieve the 50 frames a second,The system
must be taken over. Sorry!
The actual game runs in low res 320*256
and in full PAL overscan. Screen update
is at arcade speed (50 frames a second) 6
bitplanes are used to produce dual
playfields. using the copper over 100
colours are displayed on screen.
The options screen and status screens
are all in 32 colours.
Full stereo sound is used. Turn up the
volume and increase the bass to annoy the
peeps next door!! Over 100 k is used for
digitised sound,280 k of graphic data and
20k of code.
The game was written using an Amiga
A500,with A590 Hard drive,3 meg, 2 drives
and monitor.It was written in Assembler
using the brilliant Hisoft Devpac 2.14
and took about 1 month to write. Dpaint
III was used for graphics. Audio Master
II was used to digitise the sounds.
Pixmate was also used for conversion of
IFF images to RAW bitplane files.
The game will run on all Amigas,that
includes A3000's and accelerated Amigas.
If the game does not run on your
setup,please contact me and I will try to
fix the problem. If you come across any
bugs or have some new ideas for the next
release again, please contact me.
My Address.
Gary Roberts
17 Tudor Close,
Birchwood Drive
Near Fordingbridge
or phone me on UK (0425) 657155.
This is Version 1.0 of TANX.
Thank you for playing it.!
Gary Roberts 1991.
Known Bugs.
The only bug that could occur is during
the generation of Object Positions on the
i.e. You have 1 or more of the object
options switched on.
I have tried to keep the games parameters
and randomized as possible.This way no
two games will be the same.
The landscape is generated randomly.
Several points are generated and these
joined together to form the land. When
it comes to generating the object
positions,the program sits in a loop. It
generates random positions for the
objects.It then checks to see if the
newly generated object positions are
actually on land. ( We don't want
targets floating in the sky now do we.?
) If they are not on land then it
generates some more random points, this
loop continues until all object positions
are on the land.
Now in theory,the computer could sit in
this loop for ever,generating random
points which do not lie on the land. (
This has never happened during the 2
weeks of play testing ).
Because of this I have provided an "exit"
function. Whilst the object positions
are being generated,a message appears on
screen telling you so. You can exit out
of this by holding down the left mouse
button,this will bring you to the Main
Options screen. ( Don't worry the
players scores will not be cleared )
During the 2 weeks of play testing the
longest it has taken to generate a
landscape with all objects switched on is
11 secs. If it takes longer that say 30
secs to do so,then I suggest you exit and
try again.
I do appologise about this,but I think
the importance of randomizing parameters
as much as possible outways the
importance of this bug.
I hope this bug does not annoy you.
Thank you.